Hailey Platform Bed - Queen size
This was my first furniture build! I am very pleased! My husband was too! :) I learned some things along the way. It took longer than I had hoped, but I kinda expected it since it was my first project. I made a classic rookie mistake.....I ran out of wood by not planning ahead. I didn't calculate the slat spacing (and the plans don't specify) before I started them and I had already finished laying 75% of them. I wasn't about to go back, pull 'em all up and redo the spacing. So, I went out the next day and picked up some more wood. Not a big deal, at least I know our butts won't fall thru the cracks! :) So, how do you like the two-toned staining? It was such a pain to stain it after it was put together! After doing a few slats, I realized how silly that was to spend all that time and waste my stain when the bottom is ALWAYS covered. Ya know what I mean?! So, I stoppped, let it dry, and put it in the room. I already had the headboard. It was a cheap find on Craigslist. I just stained it to match the frame.
So, the other learning aspect was where to place the screws. I don't have a Kreg jig. I used a countersink bit for every screw and had to place them on the outsides. The plans are designed for Kreg jig users. Got plenty of practice using the drill, changing bits, countersinking, etc.! We don't have one of those quick change thingy's. It's on my list the next time I hit up Lowe's!
I love the new bed frame! It was so nice to get off the cheapy metal thing that's so noisy. And nice to get rid of the boxspring! We are sleeping soundly now. Lots of compliments on it too! Project 1 finished and looking forward to my next one! Thanks Ana. :)

Fri, 01/25/2013 - 14:01
Very, very nice! I enjoyed
Very, very nice! I enjoyed seeing your pictures and reading about your build.