This was my very first table. We could not find one in stock so I found these plans from Ana White. The base was easy enough if you take your time and make sure you are oriented right before cutting.......not that I made any mistakes by not double checking before plunging that saw into my work piece. The top was modified to be 6 feet long. I edge jointed, using an electric hand planner, the 2x6s after planning the faces flat. This helped my hand planner to ride flush and make a pretty straight edge after a few passes taking off very little each time. This actually took longer than building the base. I pocket holed the underside to squeeze the top together with some glue. It turned out almost perfectly seamless. I mixed some fine sanding dust with some poly for any cracks or blemishes. That allowed the stain to actually take, unlike with wood filler.
Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Finish Used
Carbon Gray stain with a water based poly on top. White enamel paint for bottom.
Recommended Skill Level