Our rabbit lives in a 2'x6' Xpen cage set up in my tiny sewing room. As cute and fluffy as he is, I couldn't help but see his space as intruding on some valuable sewing real estate. I had to do all my fabric cutting on the kitchen table and lug everything back upstairs to the sewing room when it was time to eat. Laying out patterns had to occur on the floor. I thought it would be quite nice to have a table in the rabbit's corner ... :) I've used 2 of Ana's plans for bookshelves years ago and so I KNEW I could come up with a simple table plan and execute it. It took me about 10 minutes to formulate my plan and about 4 days to build it. :) The top is removable so we can easily move the table ... otherwise it would be a real back-breaker!
Note: The estimated cost is $100, but that's because I had supplies other than wood to buy. Screws, glue, stain, etc. I'd say it was $60 in lumber.