This was my very first project wood building project. I was very pleased with how it turned out. It's not perfect, but I have learned some tricks for my next project.
I wanted the older look, so the top planks are all boards cut from pallets (not very easy to take the pallets apart). The rest of the wood was purchased, with the legs cut from treated wood.
All parts were coated in 2-3 coats of spar varnish.
Skill level, I would say is intermediate, with the lining up all of the separate boards and the pocket holes making it a little harder than beginner project, in my mind. BUT, remember that is coming from someone who has never built anything.
Time was a little longer because of using the wood from the pallets. Removal from the pallets was difficult and time consuming. The boards then required extensive sanding, and then several coats of spar varnish before building to be sure that ALL surfaces were covered, since the wood was not treated.
Very glad that I did it. I like the imperfect top (most of it), with the nail heads down the middle (not functional, just kept them from the skids), and the worn top.
I completed the project myself, with a little help from my dad at the end, putting the legs on. Just using screws didn't sound strong enough, and the bolt locations were a little tricky with the locations of the pocket holes on the inside.
Plan to make a bench, next, but maybe not the matching one. I think a project with fewer cuts and attachments is next in my future.

Thu, 06/04/2015 - 03:17
Fri, 06/05/2015 - 14:17
Great job!
This looks super! Love the pallet boards on the top, and how you preserved the old wood look. Congrats on your first project!