Texas Style Home Bar

Submitted by Jann Antos on Mon, 07/01/2013 - 21:50

This is our Texas Style Home Bar.

It is build out of 2x4s, 1x6s. The Base is 1,50m x 0,50m. The Top is 1,50m x 0,60m. It was build as a Tribute to the State of Texas where we lived the last 3.5 Years. The Base is made of 2x4s and some Edge Glued Boards. The Posts are also 2x4 and i routed a notch in there to fit the Boards. Problem was to rip the 45 Degree Boards so they fit the middel part. The Sides a Red with a White Stripe to look like a Barn Door. Top is made of Edge Glued Board. I made "Texas" Out of old License Plates and filled the Top with Epoxy Ressin Glaze Table Top. Was quite some work. I used Espresso Stain for the Dark Parts and White Wash for the other Parts. I also used China Red Stain for the Sides. The Dark and Red Parts are covert with shellack. All other with Polyurethane. The Top looks fantastc, and i had some old Beer Towels accomondate it. Most Problem where to made it with no plan. I sketched up what we wanted and start building from that. Difficult and Nerv wrecking. Had good help from my Family. I put casters to made it move better. The Glas Holder are made from T Molds. Bottle Holder are from scratch Material. Some decorate items are still missing but for now the Beer tastes Perfect from this Bar.

To be honest - this was my Second Big Project after the Farmhouse Table..

Thanks for commends!


Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Minwax Espeesso, White Wash, China Red. Shellac, Polyurethane.
Recommended Skill Level


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