
My Projects

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I am a mother a two amazing, silly, and smart children {boy (k) and a girl (K)} and married to a very wonderful, creative and extremely patient husband (H). We have a house and see much wildlife in our yard. Bobcats, dear, foxes, wild turkeys and rabbits are some of our neighbors. A bear paid a visit a couple of weeks back, but it was at our neighbors house. We have human neighbors, too. I LOVE thrift stores (especially 50% off days), garage sales, IKEA, Target and Home Depot. Spray paint is a close friend of mine and I am bringing back the paint splattered look on clothes. My newly discovered desire to start building stuff is taking hold and my family knows if too much time goes by where I am not making or transforming something, I get a little cranky. ;) I still struggle with the whole how do I create what I see in my mind thing and wish I could just say, "Bippity Boppity Boo" to change a room color. ;)

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