
My Projects

My To-Do List

As the wife of a retail executive and a well-educated and successful business woman in my own right, I have come to learn one thing in the past 15 years. Manufacturer and major retailer greed is inexcusably excessive it too many sectors. Their margins and prices rise as the quality of goods and customer service fall because we Americans, as consumers and an ever-increasingly lazy and disposable society, allow them to get away with it. We now live in the Houston-metro area and I am, in particular, appalled at the options to buy real wood furniture here. The furniture sector is one of the biggest perpetrators. The prices here in Houston are particularly excessive for the styles available. Actually, I should say lack of classic style because pretentious and over-the-top ornate furniture dominates what real wood furniture is available here. So, with my husband’s tools and my sheer determination, I am on a mission of principle to avoid contributing to the ridiculous profits being earned by furniture retailers in the Houston market.