So much to learn...can I do this?

I am staying up half the night (which is not too unusual) while my boys are sleeping trying to come up with ideas to have my house better organized. My youngest boy (3 years) just slipped into my oldest boy's (8 years) bed because I think he is now uncomfortable in his toddler bed. I thought I had a little more time to save for a new bed but he decided to grow fast on me. Now I am trying to figure out how to put all my boys in three twin size beds in the same room without clutter. Anyway, here I am at Ana's site. Wow! This site is Ah-maz-ing! Besides the loft bunk that we have, perhaps I can take on the challenge on using Ana's loft plans and making a new loft to conclude the three bed issue. BTW-I do work outside the home and am self employed, but I wish I was a homemaker. Does that count?


Thu, 08/04/2011 - 13:48

That sounds like me.. I love this site and have been searching for a female friendly place to get info on building. So much good stuff one here!!