I finally opened up my copy of the April 2012 Popular Woodworking. I found two articles that are really good resources for pretty much any beginning woodworker.
The first is "Boarded Furniture Essentials" by Adam Cherubini. Adam is very skilled woodworker who specializes in historical furniture construction techniques. Boarded furniture is a historical name for exactly the construction techniques that Ana is showing here. There are a few good things about this article that anybody can take away:
1. He talks about how to pick really good boards from the home center.
2. He has some great advice about using nails that anybody will be happy to know.
3. Some excellent ways to attach shelves with dadoes.
4. Building up wide panels with tongue and groove joints.
The second item that's useful is "The How & Why of Cutlists". How to build your won and why you should never completely trust a cut list that somebody else made. In the process he also shows some really good ways for making sure your parts come out exactly right for your project, including how to make a plan so that it has room to adjust for differences between plan dimensions and final cut dimensions.