staining old piece in with 2 things?

Submitted by tmadrid3 on Thu, 08/30/2012 - 12:45

I am re-staining an old piece of furniture that was in my grandmother's house.
It is birch wood.

Question 1: I sanded all parts down and started with wood conditioner and Miniwax stain. I finally got to the last piece and forgot to condition the sides and legs before I started staining (so I put the project aside for the time). Should I just apply conditioner on top of the 1st coat of stain before I add a 2nd coat of stain or just condition the unstained part and move on?

Question 2: This time of year it is humid out, I had to put my project aside because the humidity was causing little air bubbles when I put on the stain and made it look pretty bad. But now I really need the piece of furniture in my house? Is there a way to avoid humidity bubbles?? Should I wait until fall when moisture goes down??

I have never done this before! Thanks