Okay so I used to have all the rss posts in reader and I would mark plans we had built and I could scroll back to the beginning to find all the older plans. When google killed reader I looked for an alternative but have yet to find one that would let me see the older posts after some research I found this may actually be a setting in your feed burner. It appears that you can only download the last month of posts :(
I found this post and was wondering if you would consider changing your feed burner setting so we could view the oldies but goodies??
Lastly, I wanted to thank you again. This month my in laws came out for a visit. My father in law has lost 98% of his hearing and while he would love to visit with my dear hubby the verbal communication is hard. So I asked them to build us a farmhouse table. They worked together on the table for a week, and this was perfect they could share the work, the space, the project, I now have a lovely table and they spent some quality time together.