What's New From Ana White
6 Drawer Bedroom Dresser
This dresser was inspired by the bedside table http://ana-white.com/2011/06/reclaimed-wood-look-bedside-table I loved the table but wanted to have a couple of dressers to fill in my bedroom. So I went on to create my own plan to complement the design and look of the night table.
Candle Holders
I was reluctant to call this tutorial “Candle Holders from the Scrap Pile”, but that’s exactly where they came from! They were made entirely using scraps I had left over from other projects. Chances are, if you have built a few projects, that you’ll have everything you need in your scrap pile to build some of these candle holders too.
Contemporary 4 Panel Sliding Door - Featuring Paper Daisy Design
Four Panel Sliding Door by Paper Daisy Design
Emily Dresser
Build this beautiful dresser! Free plans from Ana-White.com Features four large drawers and two smaller drawers.