My mom as always wanted a jelly cabinet and there's one for sale at a local antique barn so when I saw the plans I knew exactly what I could get her for Christmas. The plan measurement's were a little off so I ran it through Google sketch-up to get the exact cuts I'd need and to play around a little with the plans. I used chicken wire for the doors and they came out better than expected. For a finishing touch, my mom loves black bears and moose, so I decided to include them in the final design. I went with free drawing them on contact paper and cutting them out and using them as a stencil, I love how they look. Overall it was a fun project. I just need to distress it a little and seal it with poly and it should be better well done.

Sat, 11/23/2013 - 16:29
I couldn't get the link to
I couldn't get the link to work in the actual form, but it's Patrick's Jelly Cupboard ...