I live in China, and so its hard to get pocket screws.
You can buy the Kreg jig (at extortionate prices), but the PH screws are eye wateringly expensive.
So here are my questions:
Can you use normal screws instead of PH screws? I could make a simple jig for drilling a pilot hole with a normal drill bit and screwing together that way.
What would the best alternative (traditional method) to use when viewing plans that ask for PH. When I say best alternative, I really mean the quickest and easiest way to get a good joint?
Thanks for your help
Tue, 01/06/2015 - 07:11
Traditional alternatives to pocket holes are the "old school' joints like mortise and tenons, rabbet joints, dados, dovetails and so on. However the learning curve can be steep, and until you are proficient, time consuming. Quick and easy can be had by drilling a hole the width of a dowel that is slightly bigger than the screw head, drilling the screw from the outside in thay hole and covering the hole with a dowel. Just glue,flush cut the dowel, sand, and VOILA..,a covered screw head ( or just add putty). This look leaves small circles that can be subject to taste which you have to paint if you don't like ( on a note it is a classic look that stems from old drawbored mortise and tenons.....also Sam maloof use this on his rocking chair joints). Also you can look into biscuit joints if you have the machines available along with the biscuits, or some mortise jigs you can use a router to make.
But back to your original question.........good links to help you out.
These should help you out, the lumberjocks link has a bit of debate on pocket holes but there is good info there....good luck!
Wed, 01/28/2015 - 02:31
Im in the same predicament,
Im in the same predicament, there is only one importer of Kregg jigs and they have added on a decent margin. When I try to import one from Amazon and other websites it wont ship to my address. Therefore, I am using a dowel joints and have made up a small jig to help with accuracy. Have a look on youtube and you will see what I mean