My grandson needed a bigger bed. His mom needed more storage. So, with a few tweaks, this storage bed was just what they needed. One side will always be against the wall so on that piece I added a hinged too so that seasonal items could be stored there-like gilly suits for hunting season. There’s also room between the two side pieces for more storage. They didn’t want it too tall, But still needed multiple drawers. There are four 8” drawers on the side, with two false fronts on the side of the end piece. The end piece had two large deep drawers that will be perfect for bulky items-lots of sweat shirts. So far so good-they both love it.
Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Minwax Early American stain. Polyurethane
Recommended Skill Level
Ana White
Wed, 10/02/2019 - 09:51
So much storage in their! …
So much storage in their! Great job!