With all four kids going to full time school in September, we knew it we needed to tackle our mudroom and make it more organized, so this is what we chose as our first project.
We are always hesitant about following plans that come from the US because half the supplies are never available to us in Canada...or if they are, the prices are much higher. This project came in at about 30-50% higher than the US cost estimates.
Lowe's had almost everything we needed, with the exception of the bead board. They had outdoor bead board sheets, but not indoor. We had to use cottage panelling instead, but it looked just as good on the finished project, just took longer to install.
The project took three full week-end days, including the planning, shopping and of course, stopping to take care of and feed our four kids every now and again.
We modified the original plan to add a second shelf to the bottom space for shoes, plus we added an extra locker to make this a four-kid unit. (60 inches wide)
Wed, 09/04/2013 - 04:42
Great job and so efficient!