Alaska Lake Cabin

Upright Posts for the Remote Alaska Cabin Foundation

We've been busy working on the cabin six days a week, up to 12 hours a day.  But honestly, I almost dread the one day off a week.  In that one day off, I am busy preparing for the next week, making sure we don't run out of supplies, materials, or food for the next six days of working remote.  

We also are winter camping on site, so I've been bringing home laundry and dishes home.  I'm glad to be heading back to work today.

That's my excuse anyway for going so l

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Wall Insulating and Vapor Barrier for Alaska Lake Cabin

Hi everyone and Happy Monday!

Sorry about getting my latest post out to you so late this weekend (I aim for Friday) - our new smokehouse!

It's just a wood shed or outdoor closet - with a stove pipe plumbed into the back!  We've been enjoying authentic smoked salmon strips, and plan on packing school lunches with them.   Make sure you check out the smokehouse plans here - even if you don't need to process salmon, it would make a perfect outdoor shed or storage

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The Cabin Floor Deck

Hello, and Happy Monday!  Jacob here today, with a new post on building our cabin.

We've been very busy working on our cabin, and are happy to share that we've got the roof dryed in.  I'll be posting more about this later on, but wanted to share a quick photo update with you.

Shared via Instagram.  Make sure you follow me on Instagram too - I'm sharing progress photos and other random Alaska building stuff over there too.

None of this work would have be

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Cabin Wall Planking

Hi everyone, Happy Monday!!!


We got a chance to sneak down to our cabin this weekend and pick some blueberries, and grab a few images for our DIY Network show that will air sometime this fall (will let you know as soon as we know on an air date!).


I still can't believe we built that cabin in just a couple of months!  Of course, everything was so rushed and under a tighter schedule because of the filming, but still!  So it's fun to get to go back

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Cabin Windows and Doors

While I've been making a mess in the interior of our Alaska lake cabin, good things are happening on the exterior. 



It's time to put in windows and doors!



By the time we started hauling in windows and doors, the snow had melted, so we could not haul in via snow machine over the lake ice.  Snow machine is preferred because the snow trails are smoother and the snow machine sled trailer is longer and can haul

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Cabin Concealer

Hi everyone, happy weekend!!!  Are you planning on working on a project this weekend?  We'd like to get down to our cabin and take care of a few things before snow falls.  We ususally have snow sticking by mid October, and the mountains are already covered in snow.  Our summers are so short up here in Alaska.

I've really been enjoying getting to go back through all my photos from our cabin build and share the build process with you.  In my last post, I shared wi

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Building our Cabin - Timber Framing for Upstairs Loft

Hello and Happy Monday!!!

For those of you new here or haven't been following along, from mid May to mid June of this year, we built a cabin in remote Alaska for DIY Network.  Now that we have completed the cabin, and aren't working such extreme hours, we have been sharing the build process here on the blog.  You can read all the posts here.

We wanted our cabin to be special and unique, so we decided to integate a timberframe roof system into a conventionally framed wall

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Timberframe Front Porch for Alaska Lake Cabin

Hello, Jacob here today.

Ana's still traveling, making the most of her trip to Atlanta by taking a few days to film video for Ryobi.

The kids have been doing suprisingly well, especially the baby.  But we will all be happy to see mom in a couple of days.  Maybe we will take a few days off and head down to the cabin.

One of my favorite parts of our cabin is the front porch with it's gabled roof.

Not only does it give the cabin a grand enterance, it

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