Community Brag Posts

John Deere Tractor Bunk Bed

Submitted by Veronica P on Sun, 07/06/2014 - 16:43

With another baby boy arriving in August, my one and three year olds are moving to a "big boy" room. My oldest decided he wanted a bunk bed and as they both are obsessed with tractors, when I saw the "John Deere Tractor Bunk Bed" plan, I was sold.

We would be needing a twin sized bunk bed though not a toddler. I used the classic bunk bed plans and simply modified them to suit our needs. I moved the ladder to the front, added a rail on the bottom bunk and added a small ladder to the side for my one year old to climb into the bottom bunk.

Once the the frame of the bed was complete, I added the tractor accessories. A couple of storage cubby shelves with fabric baskets for toy tractors which act as stairs up to the ladder and make the tractor bucket at the front. Also, the wheels which are made from joined 1x6s as I find plywood hard to sand and paint to the quality of finish I like. A cab & roof from 1x4s framed together. A side mirror that I decoupaged a picture of another tractor on. I used push lights for the headlights as well as a reading light above each bed (they're on timers so they'll turn themselves off). A steering wheel (play equipment access from toys r us). Also, I built and mounted by the head of both beds a "flat wall book holder" so they would have somewhere to store a few books.

My boys and I are fairly new to building so I spent a lot of time planning and measuring to ensure it would all come together in the end. It paid off because it all went smoothly (even with "help" from my boys). It's not perfect but they're very happy with the result. We also built a John Deere themed "Just my size closet" and even finished with over a month to spare before the new baby arrives! :)

Just want to say a quick thank you to Ana both for the amazing plans and also the inspiration to take on these projects. The time spent with my boys building as well as the resulting treasures are priceless and I would have never realized what we were capable of had I not stumbled upon your website and been so inspired by you and everything you've accomplished. Thank you!

Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
John Deere Green paint (home depot was able to color match a toy tractor), marigold yellow and black and polyurethane.
Recommended Skill Level


Ana White Admin

Mon, 07/07/2014 - 12:13

I love this, such a great build and eveything came together perfectly! Thanks for sharing!


Thu, 07/10/2014 - 19:12

What an incredible build! I agree with Thriftygirl, I love all of the details!


Tue, 09/30/2014 - 05:35

I am in the process of copying your bed right now. Just mine will be a toddler loft bed. Thank you for the ideas!


Thu, 10/09/2014 - 14:12

I am new to this and I was wondering were to find the measurements for the twin size bed?  I would love to make this for my boys!!

Veronica P

Mon, 11/03/2014 - 07:48

Sorry for the slow response to those requesting plans. For main structure of the bunk bed, I used Ana's "Classic Bunk Bed" plans. For all of the add-ons, I made up my own plans. I'm pretty low tech so unfortunately they're just pencil & paper plans but I'd be happy to scan and email them to you if you're interested. Just message me and I'll send them your way. :)


Wed, 01/28/2015 - 14:08

Hi Veronica, Well done fantastic job! Two little men who want to move in together because of a new addition on the way. Their request though is a John Deere Bunk Bed! would be grateful if you could forward on your plans if you have time, Kindest regards.


Tue, 05/26/2015 - 18:13

These are just what my grandsons need. I would love your plans.

Thank you


Tue, 05/26/2015 - 18:14

These are just what my grandsons need. I would love your plans.

Thank you


Sun, 09/06/2015 - 10:06

Dear Veronica,

Our grandson, 6 years old, will absolutely adore this bed.  He loved riding on Grandpa's real JD tractor.  Please send me your plans for the attachments.  They are just darling and I could not do any better.  Thanks for your generosity!


Fri, 09/13/2019 - 21:11

Hi Veronica. My 3 year old just loves the tractor bunk bed. I was wondering if you would mind sending me the plans you have. It would be greatly appreciated. My email is [email protected]   

Thanks in advance 


Wed, 10/16/2019 - 17:56

If you're still sharing, we would love a copy of your add-ons plans. 


MyMaw and PawPaw

Veronica P

Tue, 12/16/2014 - 07:21

I just emailed those plans. There should be nine attachments. Please let me know if you don't receive any of them.


Thu, 12/18/2014 - 21:51

Could you please email me the plans for this project my son would love this

Veronica P

Tue, 01/06/2015 - 08:21

Hello all. I've tried emailing plans to all those who've requested them. I had some trouble attaching the files as they were large so if you didn't receive them, please let me know and I can resend. Thanks


Tue, 01/06/2015 - 11:53

Hi Veronica. I did not receive an email. Woul you have time to try again? If you email me your address I can send you my fax number if that's easier too. Thank you so much! I can not tell you how much I appreciate your dedication to this! [email protected]

Arbor Bench and Rustic Outdoor Table

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 07/10/2020 - 14:05

I built the arbor bench first, and was very impressed at how complete the instructions were. I enjoyed it so much, that I found the plans, and built the outdoor rustic coffee table to complement it. I ended up using pressure treated pine, and am now waiting for the wood to completely dry out enough to put a stain on both pieces. The plans for both were very comprehensive.

Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Recommended Skill Level

Under Fort Sandbox Cover

Submitted by millerhero on Tue, 07/29/2014 - 06:47

Thanks to inspiration from Ana's post on the Sand Box with Built-in seats, I've retrofit our Jungle Fort ( with the sandbox cover/bench system. I've upgraded the lumber dimensions to 2x4s and 2x6 to accommodate the increased 67.5" span.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Recommended Skill Level

Baby Ray's New Closet!

Submitted by Katurn89 on Wed, 11/14/2018 - 08:24

This was the second building project I've ever completed. I had to make a few adjustments to make it fit the size of ray's closet, but it was totally worth it. most of the work was in the measuring, sanding, and sealing of the wood. Ftting the frames can be a little tricky if your planks aren't perfectly straight. Otherwise, this project was pretty straight forward and can be done in just a few days depending on how much time you have to dedicate to it. Thanks Ana!

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
About $150
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Early American stain and polyurethane
Recommended Skill Level

Farmhouse Style Toy Box / Blanket Chest

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 01/17/2017 - 11:17

I built this for my daughter after Christmas sinse she had the living room covered in toys. The dimensions are 37" x 18" x 20" 

Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Finish Used
Watco Danish Oil - Medium Walnut (2 coats) with a light sanding between coats with 220 grit, I allowed 24 hours between each coat to dry. To protect the surface I used water based polyurathane matte finish (3 coats) with a light sanding - 400 grit.
Recommended Skill Level



Wed, 01/18/2017 - 13:06

Great job! Can you share more about how the legs were constructed and joined? Was this project based on Ana White's "Simple" toy box plan? Any info appreciated.


Tue, 01/09/2018 - 05:51

HI Anna, 

Can you provide more pictures or instructions on how you assembled this toy box? i want to make one just like it! 




Wed, 03/10/2021 - 16:31

Looking at the wall panels they look like the long edge of each panel has a small bevel cut on it. This gives each panel edge a more pronounced or well-defined edge? Is this true? Was it done with a router?

DIY rustic x desk

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 10/11/2020 - 16:03

Got the plans from mrs. White. I can’t remember right now but something on the plans was off and didn’t include the 2x2 measurements to the extend my fearful angle self would like.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Recommended Skill Level

Rustic Wine Rack

Submitted by tracysmith on Fri, 03/29/2013 - 11:17

I've built many custom pieces for local folks but this one with all it's half circles really threw me - how was I going to do those, make them precise and not spend 3 days doing it. It's simple really.... I cheated!! LOL I used a 3 1/8" hole saw for the larger ones and a 1" hole saw for the smaller ones. I also took two boards and clamped them together with pipe clamps and then drilled two at once! It gives it a more consistent look and cuts the time literally in half!

I used a home brew for the stain. Had a friend of mine do the engraving for the front header piece. I think the whole project took between 10 - 15 hours to do because there was a lot of experimenting with the stain and there was also readjusting the sides and top to look how I wanted.

The client loves it and I'll post a pic on my Facebook page of the whole thing loaded up with wine, later today.

Estimated Cost
$250 was retail on this
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Finish Used
The finish used was steel wool dissolved in vinegar with a secret ingredient added. :-)
Recommended Skill Level

Four station desk (PB inspired)

Submitted by monty742 on Sun, 03/15/2015 - 08:58

I really liked the PB mega desk, but I didn't want to spend $1600 on it.  After seeing someone's post here (a couple years ago...) asking for plans on that desk, I decided to do it myself.  I took these two plans and made 4 base units.  They are 18" square at the top and 34" tall.  I used 2 IKEA table tops connected underneath for the top, to make a total height of 36" - counter stool height.  I constructed them a little differently than the plans, but no matter how you make them, the idea is the same.  The plan is to take them apart and make 2 desks once everyone is too old and cool to do homework/artwork together.

Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Kitchen and Bath finish paint (2 coats) - it's a little shinier than eggshell (I only used it because I had 2 or 3 gallons extra at home :) then 2 coats acrylic top coat matte finish.
Recommended Skill Level



Sat, 08/15/2015 - 04:33

Just seeing your comment...sorry for the delay!  I got the stools and the light fixture at a Ballard Backroom (outlet) store near me.  3 of the stools ended up being about $40 each with the sale they had at the time, and the 4th was $60? - bought at a later time than the first 3.


Wed, 11/04/2015 - 07:40

How did you connect the table tops from the bottom so that the tables were secure together? I'm curious what's the best way to do this. Since two of the four seats will be where the seam is, I want to make sure I secure it properly so it's not wobbly. Thanks so much.



Sat, 01/09/2016 - 05:06

I'm just seeing these latest comments for the first time, so you may have long finished this project already!  The tops were surprisingly sturdy but I did reinforce them.  I placed the tops on the floor upside down and screwed some metal brackets (about 12" long each) across the joint in four places.  I just screwed them in through holes already in the brackets.  This wasn't the most stable because those tops are particle board and don't hold screws very well...  But since it was already pretty sturdy, I figured it would do.  It has been fine, even with standing on the top (kids who get up there and me hanging the light fixture above).

Once the tops were joined, I placed the bases so there was about a 1" overhang on the top.  To hold the top in place, I used small pieces of wood screwed to the underside of the top at the inside corner to act as a placement stop.  The top is pretty big and heavy even though they are IKEA tops, so they don't have a tendency to move or slide at all anyway.  I'm going to try to figure out how to post another picture of the braces and corner stops...we'll see if I can do it!  Let me know if you have any more questions...again, sorry I didn't see this in a more timely manner!


Sat, 01/02/2016 - 05:55

Is the photo above the Pottery Barn version or your product result?  I'm trying to figure out the dimensions for the drawer and shelf configurations.  Thanks!  BTW, I'm totally addicted to your style and husband loves the productivity inspiration I've received. :-)



Sat, 01/09/2016 - 10:17


I'm glad you like the desk!  The one in the picture is the one I built, not the pottery barn one!  My dimensions were a good bit different than the PB desk - square bases instead of rectangular and counter stool height instead of desk/table height.  So, I have no idea if I have my plans for this anymore, so I went and measured it again for you!  

So each base is 18" x 18" square and 34" high so that with the 2" top the total height is 36".


Each base was made of oak plywood that made with 3 sides, a top and a bottom.  All edges were rabbit joints (3/8" deep in thickness of boards and probably 3/8" wide - not 100% on width of rabbits).  It's kind of a pain to do rabbit joints if you don't have a dado blade for your table saw, so you could use pocket hole screws instead.  I glued and nailed these joints with a finish nailer, I believe.  

I figured a diagram with measurements would be easier than trying to write I'm adding another pic with the dimensions outlined.  Drawing is NOT to scale, so sorry about that!  I really need to learn to use SketchUp.  Let me know if you have any questions!  



Sat, 01/09/2016 - 07:57


I'm glad you like the desk!  The one in the picture is the one I built, not the pottery barn one!  My dimensions were a good bit different than the PB desk - square bases instead of rectangular and counter stool height instead of desk/table height.  So, I have no idea if I have my plans for this anymore, so I went and measured it again for you!  

So each base is 18" x 18" square and 34" high so that with the 2" top the total height is 36".


Each base was made of oak plywood that made with 3 sides, a top and a bottom.  All edges were rabbit joints (3/8" deep in thickness of boards and probably 3/8" wide - not 100% on width of rabbits).  It's kind of a pain to do rabbit joints if you don't have a dado blade for your table saw, so you could use pocket hole screws instead.  I glued and nailed these joints with a finish nailer, I believe.  

I figured a diagram with measurements would be easier than trying to write I'm adding another pic with the dimensions outlined.  Drawing is NOT to scale, so sorry about that!  I really need to learn to use SketchUp.  Let me know if you have any questions!  


Thu, 07/28/2016 - 14:13

No you can't buy them from Ikea.  I bought the table tops from Ikea, but I built the bases.  The dimensions for the bases are in one of the additional pictures with the post if you want to see them!


Mon, 10/10/2016 - 07:41

What are the total dimensions of the table top? Thinking of building something like this, but want to make sure it will fit in my space.


Thu, 12/28/2017 - 07:00

Are these just slide in drawers, or did you use some sort of hardware to have them slide in and out?

Amazing Farm Table and Benches

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 10/04/2021 - 19:55

Built this deck dining table and benches from Lowes cedar, and the results way exceeded my expectations! The plans were so well written, it was easy to slightly modify (made both table and benches wider and longer) and the build was very simple. The clear directions helped give me the confidence to do this and we have got so many nice compliments. There was nothing this sturdy and simple even available to buy. I even built a coffee table and bar table after modifying the plans a bit. Thank you Ana!


Garage Workshop Bench

This was my second project, with so many more projects in mind, figured I needed to get started on a Workshop bench. This was a fun and easy project and such a great plan.


Laundry Room Cabinets

We are getting ready to list our house and the laundry room was the last room in the house that hadn't been renovated. I used the momplex cabinets as an inspiration and made a 6 cubby cabinet, small cabinet with drawer and door, laundry pedestal, and sink cabinet. The cabinets are made of MDF and face with pine and pine doors. The countertop is made of 2x6's.

Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Finish Used
I sprayed the cabinets using a graco truespray with a high gloss white paint
The countertop was stained with Minwax Jacobean
Recommended Skill Level


Farmhouse Table with Extensions

This was my first build and I learned A LOT and watched A LOT of youtube diy videos. The main take-away from this project is not to build in the freezing cold if the finished project is for inside. I finished this project in below freezing temperatures and I noticed that the wood expanded (increasing slightly the gap between the finished boards on the top) when it was brought inside.

I built this from the original farmhouse table plans with no kreg jig although I did buy and use a pocket kreg jig to make the extensions. The main modifications were using 4x4s such as were used in the Country Living magazine spread that inspired this build and also making modifications to allow the addition of 15" extensions at each end of the table's bread boards.

My first challenge was figuring out how to build with the 4x4 legs instead of the 2 2x4s screwed together. In order to accomplish this i had to use a chisel to create the corner lip that the table top frame would sit on. I added photos of this so I hope it will help someone. Chiseling these 4 corners (one on each post) only took an hour or two and was so worth it for the look of the 4x4s. Just measure carefully and work carefully with a sharp chisel. I actually removed half the wood by sawing off the corner at a 45 degree angle. Remember when cutting your boards for the table ends that a 4x4 has different dimensions than 2 2x4s screwed together. Compensate for this in your cuts.

Another challenge was hiding the screws on the table legs and table top. I was leaving the finish natural so didn't want to use wood fill. I accomplished this by getting a countersink bit and then buying wooden dowels the same diameter. For these screw holes, after finishing screwing, I put a dab of wood glue in the countersink hole, inserted the dowel as far as it would go, used a fine hand saw to cut off the dowel flush with the table and then used a hammer to make sure the dowel was in tight and flush.

I had trouble figuring out how to attach the table top frame to the table legs with the long screws from the plans so I included a picture of this step. Its really easy but I was not able to use three screws as the plan calls for. I used two instead and it has been very solid. I used the long screws as proscribed.

Finally, I wanted to build extensions (2 2x8 boards kreg jigged together) so I could increase seating up to a max. of 12 persons, so I needed to cut out 2x2 gaps on the table ends. I also included a picture of these in place. To make room for the 2 2x2s that extend under the bread boards and table top to brace the extensions, I left out one of the 2x2 cross beams at each end of the underside of the table (the boards that the table top boards screw into).

I hope this is helpful to you!

Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Vinegar and Steel Wool Solution (soak steel wool for 24 hours in vinegar and be sure to test on a sample) to "age" the wood. Tung oil over this sealed the stain/wood. over this I applied a wax finish. First I used Briwax Liming Wax to enhance the gray finish and leave a slight white wash patina. This finish was enhanced because I had steel brushed with the grain to remove some soft wood so the liming wax would enhance the grain. I finished the project with clear briwax. We have been using this as our everyday table since February and there are no stains or problems with this finish.
Recommended Skill Level
Starter Project



Mon, 02/10/2014 - 11:55

Great job on the table! I love...I had visions of this table before I saw it. I wanted to use the 4x4's for the legs as well, the same finish. I am concerned now about the 4x4's because I am an amateur and I think that may throw too many wrenches into my plan. I started with the bench, finished in 3 hours I have patted myself on the back. Plotting on a Kreg jig right now.


Sun, 07/24/2016 - 09:57

Love the look of this table! Just to make sure I'm following correctly, the extensions are ones you can add and remove, not fixed? Do you have a pic of how they slide in or out?

Outdoor Sofa and Chair with Slanted Back

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 07/16/2023 - 10:22

OK, I think this build may be my biggest project yet! It is definitely the heaviest. With the strong winds we can get here in Florida we needed substantial outdoor furniture.
I did make some modifications along the way measurement-wise so the sofa would fit my front porch better. All in all, this took 2 full days. I built the sofa first, stained it the next day and then decided (due to trying to get stain in all the nooks and crannies) to stain the chair pieces first before putting it together.
I am so happy with the results and so far, almost a year later, this furniture looks great and hasn't moved an inch in any of the thunderstorms we've had! Thank you Ana!!

Classic Bunk Bed with Sweet Pea Stairs

Submitted by e_hutch on Fri, 01/17/2014 - 19:03

I wanted a bunk bed for our daughters, it needed to be easily moveable like the "classic bunk beds." I also wanted stairs like the "Sweet Pea Garden" bunk bed because we have toddlers in the house. I modified the classic bunk bed to put the ladder on the end, then built the Sweet Pea stairs to fit to the opening (I think the only difference in dimensions was a 20" top stair. I didn't want the unfinished ends of plywood so I got 4'x16"x3/4" pine boards from lowes which happens to be the width of the stairs in the plan. Instead of using the 1x2's as trim on the ends of the shelves I put two of them together, one all of the way down the front of each stair and one resting on the top of the stair (screwed together) so I wouldn't lose lateral stability. I then spaced 2x2's in between to keep it "simple" looking instead of the heart shaped decorations from the sweet pea bed. I used some 1/4" paintable composite board to provide a backing to the stairs. I bolted the stairs on to the bed with some flat bar stock cut to size and 3/8' in hex bolts cut to length. I used pocket hole joints wherever possible and countersunk all other screws and used 3/8" dots from lowes to fill the holes. I painted it with a coat of primer and a coat of Glidden Trim and Door paint in antique white from the Easy Vintage Step Stool project.

Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Glidden Door and Trim, Antique White
Kilz Complete Primer
Recommended Skill Level



Mon, 06/23/2014 - 06:39

This is absolutely beautiful! Did you modify the size for toddler mattresses?
I would love to do the same for my kiddos - is there any way you could send me your version of the plans? [email protected]

Thanks so much!

Cedar Tiered Planter

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/24/2024 - 09:24

This was my very first project since I took wood shop in high school more than 20 years ago. It’s absolutely no where near perfect, But it was easy and fun. I made it for my mom for Mother’s Day. She LOVED it! Currently figuring out my next piece for Father’s Day! 😁

Angie Ang$10
