Pottery Barn Inspired Futon

Submitted by shegarty6 on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 06:45



I have been wanting this futon for a while now....tried to figure out how to do it, but I just don't know about the slide outs.  Would love it if you could have a look and see if you could figure it out.  Thanks for all you do!

anawhite (not verified)

Tue, 08/31/2010 - 16:00

WOW!  That is a brilliant idea!  You have the wheels in my head turning!


Wed, 09/01/2010 - 13:01

Wow, that is awesome!  I'll jump on this wagon.


Thu, 09/02/2010 - 03:32

Oh. My. Gosh. Must have this!!!! I love this because it doesn't "look" like a futon. I can see how it will be hard to come up with a way for it to slide out and still be supported though...


Thu, 09/02/2010 - 06:09

What if (and I'm just spitballing here) you build a double layer of support slats?  Like the mattress normally sits on the top layer when you're seated, but when it pulls out to the futon, it exposes the bottom layer so the back end of the bed is still supported. 


Wish I could find pictures...I'm not so great at describing things without them.


Mike of MikeAndMolly


Thu, 09/02/2010 - 07:30

We were talking about a bed similar to this from IKEA in this thread (specific post here). Same principle. Double layer of slats or something to that effect. The PB Futon looks like it uses drawer slides. I would love this idea also!


Thu, 09/02/2010 - 13:31

The PB futon looks like it uses drawer slides.  The other interesting thing is that if you look closely at the pic, when the futon is up (i.e. set up like a couch) the casters underneath don't rest on the floor.  So it must be that when it's pulled out, it slips down a bit.  So the upper level of slats must be the part that slides out.  Not sure if what I'm saying makes sense.  I really love this design though.  I doesn't look like a futon! 


Thu, 09/23/2010 - 13:55

Surprised This would be so great for so many reasons!