Painting MDF

Submitted by SheriW on Wed, 09/22/2010 - 07:15

We (as in my Son-in-law)just finished building the Bedford Project Table. He used MDF for most of the table, but the edges are all wood. My job is to paint it, but I really want to make sure I don't screw up his beautiful work. Where can I find the steps on painting the table and any pain recommendations would be fantastic too. Thank you so much!


Wed, 09/22/2010 - 07:56

This is just my opinion but i have had the best luck with MDF when i used a solvent based primer. Also the cut edges on MDF can tend to get a little "pilly" if you know what i mean. Even after painting it just doesnt have that nice crisp clean edge. A friend told me that if you take joint compound on your finger and rub it over the cut edge than you can sand it perfectly smooth with a 220 grit sand paper and then prime and paint. It has worked great for me.




Wed, 09/22/2010 - 08:26

chrisandpatience said:

This is just my opinion but i have had the best luck with MDF when i used a solvent based primer. Also the cut edges on MDF can tend to get a little "pilly" if you know what i mean. Even after painting it just doesnt have that nice crisp clean edge. A friend told me that if you take joint compound on your finger and rub it over the cut edge than you can sand it perfectly smooth with a 220 grit sand paper and then prime and paint. It has worked great for me.



Thank you! Is Zinsser Bin what you had in mind? I'll be using a roller/brush to apply. Do I need to do 1 or 2 coats of primer and sadn between? I'm painting it balck also.'s prime, sand, prime, sand...paint? Or is it prime once, sand and two coats of paint. I am so lost LOL


Wed, 09/22/2010 - 08:35

I use Kilz. But zinsser will do just fine. Sand then prime once. Than you can paint and sand lightly in between coats with 220 grit. Also I use a grey primer when ever I am painting a dark color.


Wed, 09/22/2010 - 08:44

Is the Kilz water based? I've read on-line not to use water based for MDF. True?