I'm planing on making The Favorite Bookshelf for a first project, but with some modifications like adding decoritive moulding like http://www.homedepot.com/Build.....ogId=10053 that to the very top. And I was wondering is there a way to attach it so it's fairly sturdy?
Fri, 01/21/2011 - 05:41
Normally I would attach delicate molding like that with a 23 gauge pin nailer. Holes are really tiny and easy to fill before staining/painting. If you don't have a pin nailer, then maybe glue on before assembly so you can clamp them. Since I'm not sure where you are going to put the molding, can't give a better answer than that. If you are thinking like in the middle of the door, then I'd glue, then use a long board to reach across the width of the piece, then clamp the long board on the edges of the door. This would allow your molding to have enough pressure applied to give the glue a chance to set up, and you should be able to get avoid damaging the detail on the molding as well.