So, our washer and dryer are side by side on this thing. The openings of each are higher on the units which means they are about chest height.
The problem I'm having is dropping a few bits and pieces of wet laundry as I switch them left to right from the washer to the dryer (both front loaders). I was wanting to build a platform that might attach by an arm to the center of the pedestal and have a platform for a laundry basket that I could empty the wet stuff into and then move the platform to the dryer and dump it in there.
Hard to explain...I made a rough sketch up of it (first time using sketch up).
anyone have any ideas?
Tue, 06/07/2011 - 18:02
Getting there
Based off the pedestal idea, is that not working? You'd need some sort of hinge pin to make it twist which will be hard to anchor with the wet clothes.