Heavy-duty wooden clothesline

Submitted by kristen on Wed, 06/22/2011 - 19:45

I am wanting to build a heavy-duty wooden clothesline, but help with this is scanty on my internet searches, so I'm hoping the builders here on Ana's site might be able to help. This may seem like a ridiculous request--just slap some wood together in a "T" and screw in some eye hooks, right? But wet laundry is HEAVY. And wet down comforters are REALLY heavy.

What do I need to do to make sure this thing can stand up to wet laundry in a breeze? Anyone have one in their backyard they can look at and tell me how it's constructed?

You used to see clotheslines all over the place in backyards--it must be able to be done! I currently have a rickety metal one where both poles are slowly trying to meet in the middle. I want a sturdy, good looking wooden one.


Guest (not verified)

Thu, 06/23/2011 - 06:07

I'm not sure of how much space you've got but it's lots, then make the vertical pole from treated 4X4 posts, cemented into the ground below frost line. Half-lap the joint on both pieces where you'd put the cross-member. Attach the two pieces with lag-bolts. I also had one made from a treated 4-5" round fence post available at agriculture supply places. Or even old telephone posts. the secret it to make sure it's anchored really well into the ground.

Good luck. ~Lee-ann