Farm House Table and Benches

Submitted by markelll on Mon, 09/12/2011 - 09:28

I wanted a big rustic farm table, didn't want to drop thousands on one from a store, so I decided to make my own!

I built it in the (formerly empty) dining room, with tarp on the floor and plastic to seal the doorways.

Was a big project and my first project so I started with the benches as this site and users recommended.

I used the farm house bench plan - just shortened the dimensions so that I could have two benches on either side of the table. Then I merged the two table plans so that I could have the top with the bread boards but legs that attached underneath (like the rustic table) so that they could be removed when we move. I'll work to upload my plans too.

Used Minwax Wood Stain in "english chestnut" and Deft Satin Wood Brushing Lacquer (instead of a Polyurethane).

Estimated Cost
approximately $300 (for wood, finish, sand paper, stain, screws..)
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Minwax "English Chestnut" and
Deft Satin Wood Brushing Lacquer to finish.

I prepped the wood by sanding it down to 220 (could have done an even better job sanding, and sanded the table and bench tops even finer).
Used a sponge brush to apply the wood stain, wiped off rather quickly (only a few minutes on the wood).
Used brush to apply Deft Sating Wood Brushing Lacquer. Used spray can of Deft when I ran out of liquid. Didn't go on as thick. Although using a brush is more of a hassle, it had a better coat.
Recommended Skill Level


Guest (not verified)

Sun, 09/25/2011 - 12:18

Your use of short benches makes the set more family and guest friendly. I usually hand rub my finish, I think i want to build this and probably use 0ak 2X12's (know it will be heavy).


I will use it on a Florida roofed concrete deck for an outdoor dining area. Typically more formal dinners. Deck overlooks beautiful cove.

Guest (not verified)

Thu, 10/13/2011 - 11:00

Can you explain how you merged the plans to add the bread boards? I would love to do the same!

Jeff (not verified)

Fri, 06/01/2012 - 09:09

This is exactly what I am looking for in a table to build. We want bread boards on the end and we don't want stretchers on the bottom. How did you combine the two to do this. Can you send me a copy of your plan?

Kimberly Dassel (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 13:35

Could you please send me the plans for this table? I love it and would love to attempy making it. Thanks so much!

Joe (not verified)

Wed, 01/02/2013 - 15:53

Your farm table and benches were exactly what I was looking for. Please send me the plans if they are available. Thanks

Faye Sawatzky (not verified)

Wed, 01/02/2013 - 19:23

I would love a copy of the plans for this gorgeous table you made. I am inspired.

Kelly Lucas (not verified)

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 15:26

Would love, love the plans for this project if you are willing to share. Many thanks! :)


Fri, 01/25/2013 - 20:57

I'm sure you've heard this a hundred times already, but we've been looking for a very long time for a table like this. We would also love the plans if you're sharing. Thanks for the great blog!


Tue, 01/29/2013 - 07:47

Getting ready to build my own and now you have me thinking I prefer this design with no stretchers on the bottom. Looks great!!!


Sat, 03/16/2013 - 20:12

Can I please please please have the plans? I have a very narrow dining area and this table is PERFECT. Thanks


Wed, 05/08/2013 - 13:30

I too would really love/need these plans. PLEASE. Thanks :)


Sun, 05/12/2013 - 14:30

I would REALLY like the plans for his version as well. I am going to combine them. Can someone ask him to post or his he sending via email? If so,

Thank you SO much!!!


Mon, 07/15/2013 - 09:48

just bought a cabin and need all sorts of furniture. I love what you did and would sure love to have your plans and how you merged the two----both for the table and especially for the benches. Trying to do a 10' table for huge family gatherings. Thanks so much! You rock!


Fri, 09/06/2013 - 14:25

Hi There!
It seems like there are no replies to the many requests for the merged plans.
I'm guessing he used the top of one set of plans and the bottom portion of the other set of plans?? I will attempt to tweak myself..
Good Luck!


Fri, 01/09/2015 - 19:54

Hi everyone,
Well I didn't see all these comments! Sorry to have ignored your requests for plans!

This is the bench I made (I did four of these, and adjusted the measurements so they were each about 40" long)

I was going to do this table, because it matches the benches, but decided I wanted a table with removable legs so it would be more maneuverable when we move!

I ended up using more of this plan in terms of how I assembled it, but adjusted the plans to have the tabletop include breadboards (the plank on top perpendicular to the long tabletop planks) and I used 4x4s for legs, plus the top was from 2x8s not 1x10s. I put in the optional cross supports too, and additional supports under the breadboard to connect it to the table frame and table top slats.. this is more info than you need, all to say, plans are flexible and you can do what you want!

Sorry I don't have detailed notes. I was very picky about the dimensions (based on space) and how high I wanted the table (about 1.5" taller than a normal table). I also measure the distance between the underside of the table and the tops of the benches so I could cross my legs under the table (an odd requirement).

Happy Building!


Wed, 04/01/2015 - 15:10

I like the english chestnut stain. That works so well with this type of lumber. Great job. I plan to use the same stain on the Tryde coffee table I am building. Thanks for sharing your work!!!