Toy box for grandson
My grandson needed a toy box and we really liked this plan. We changed the dimensions a little, made it taller and a bit wider. My husband built the box and did the basic painting. I made the cushion for the top. When the cushion is removed (it Velcros to the top) there is a hand painted matchbox car town and roads. I painted places my grandson knows, like his house, grandparents houses, mom's and dad's work, McDonalds, wal-mart and general places like airport, gas station, fire house, etc. We used stay tension support hinges to make sure it was safe for our little one, yes they are expensive, but they are my grandson's fingers. Everyone loves it. The vehicle in the center(black) matches their car. I put pictures of my son-in-law, daughter, Broxton, and their dog, Briggs in the windows. And decorated it with my son-in-law's favorite team "the bears".
Pam the Goatherd
Tue, 09/25/2012 - 11:49
That's cool! Makes me wish I
That's cool! Makes me wish I was a kid again, or had a kid at that age.