Classic Bunk Beds modified for toddler mattresses.
Started with the classic bunk bed plan. Changed most of the 1x4s to 1x3 except the boards at the mattress level. Added an additional rail up top to make safer for my young children. Also added 1x3s on both ends of the head/foot board to make the legs a litter sturdier and to widen the frame as our mattresses turned out to be a little wider than standard. Took out the built in ladder and matched the rest of the rails. Then added detachable stairs to be able to remove during the day and make it easier for my girls to get up and down. Made a few mistakes along the way (when you write 57.5 inches and transfer 52.5 inches to your cut list you eventually have a really bad/sad day), but had a ton of fun!
Jody Knowles
Wed, 04/01/2015 - 05:30
That turned out great. I bet the kids love it.